What a Team!

I spend Easters in really nice terrains around Tis u Blatna and Rabštejn. Those terrains are famous all around the world, because of WOC 1991 classic distance. The performance of Sixten Sild made a legend and new word was established in Czech. Sild means "to go straight". The best example is his famous routechoice to 4th control:
This time I could not follow his steps, because I do not have to prepare for long leg on Toimila, like last year. This year I am getting ready for short and technical performance and my night trainings were focused for this:
More info about our training camp is on Zhaly.kom and soon will be published BT story.

By the way title of this article is: What a team! I just want to show how difficult is to get place in KR Tiomila team. I got a place in the leg which Aaro call leg for trained Mursu and Mraz leg for trained monkey. Let's see how my performance looks like this Sunday morning will:

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KR teams


Jeba said...

Years go by, but the same guys are running non-forked legs ;-)

"Are you really so poor?"

Hannu said...

Haha, in video it seems that your preparation training was a real success! I am waiting to see your live performance on sunday morning :-)

See you in some days in Kiuruvesi.

Betak said...

Yep, today I did also some strength: http://youtu.be/iXJl1fuFAKU
As you can see I have to loose some weight after eating of Easter chocolade eggs as Thierry have had have recomended