Big brother is watching you

So I finally went on air with GPS from PlanStudio. Test was conducted on cross-country running competition. The resulting curve was quite accurate, the picture shifts slightly due to the readability of the speed in both directions. It was pretty fast but hilly race, I did not have any mental power, because I fell myself pretty bad during the week (guess why? :), but it is better now, I was able to run under 3:20 / km 7.5 km. This time the 24 : 57
Source of photos
Source of text
My GPS route:

We start with David:

He looks pretty strong on the flat straights:

But not in the uphills :)


Anonymous said...

Hezky po patičkách, jako Kalimérko:) Koukámj, že Chuck Norris už je zase ve formě.

Betak said...

Honzo neboj koukal jsem na tvůj čas z před dvou let a ještě že jsi nejel. To bych si místo auta mohl leštit leda tak něco jinýho:)

Betak said...

Jo a ta tepovka v tej GPSce moc nefunguje, podívej co z toho vylezlo :)